The Congressional Response to Duro v. Reina: Compromising Sovereignty and the Constitution L. Scott Gould - Rutgers Law School
The Impact of Environmental Liabilities on Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe: A Case Study of Poland Randall S. Thomas - University of Iowa-College of Law
Construing Product-By-Process Patent Claims in Scripps and Atlantic Calvin Fan - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Summary Judgment and Title VII After Hicks: How Much Evidence Does it Take to Make an Inference? Thomas Duley - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
A Sisyphean Task: The Common Law Approach to Mens Rea Miguel Angel Mendez - Stanford University Law School
Restraints on Homosexual Rights Legislation: Is There a Fundamental Right to Participate in the Political Process? Seth Hilton - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Early Retirement Benefits and Gillis v. Hoechst Celanese Corp.: Same Desk, Same Job, So What? Kris Wehrmeister - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
A Map Out of the Personal Jurisdiction Labyrinth Russell J. Weintraub - University of Texas School of Law
Jurisdictional Pragmatism: International Shoe's Half-Buried Legacy Patrick J. Borchers - Albany Law School of Union University
The Pitfalls of "Hint and Run" History: A Critique of Professor Borcher's "Limited View" of Pennoyer v. Neff John B. Oakley - UC Davis, King Hall School of Law
"Two Cheers" for International Shoe (and None for Asahi): An Essay on the Fiftieth Anniversary of International Shoe Linda J. Silberman - New York University School of Law
Death of a Salesman? Forum Shopping and Outcome Determination Under International Shoe Christopher D. Cameron & Kevin R. Johnson - Southwestern University School of Law and UC Davis School of Law
Assessing Minimum Contacts: A Reply to Professors Cameron and Johnson Erwin Chemerinsky - University of Southern California Law Center
Class Actions, Personal Jurisdiction, and Plaintiffs' Due Process: Implications for Mass Tort Litigation Linda S. Mullenix - University of Texas School of Law
Personal Jurisdiction and the Global Resolution of Mass Tort Litigation: Defining the Constitutional Boundaries Martin H. Redish & Eric J. Beste - Northwestern University and Northern District Court of Illinois
Federalism and Substantive Due Process: A Comparative and Historical Perspective on International Shoe and Its Progeny Stephen Goldstein - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
International Shoe v. Brussels and Lugano: Principles and Pitfalls in the Law of Personal Jurisdiction C.G.J. Morse - Kings College University of London
Statutory Reform of Constitutional Doctrine: Fitting International Shoe to Family Law Carol S. Bruch - UC Davis, King Hall School of Law
Bringing Case Management to Complex Litigation - The Manual For Complex Litigation (Third): A Tribute to Judge William W. Schwarzer Linda J. Silberman - New York University School of Law
The Federal Judicial Center and the Administration of Justice in the Federal Courts William W. Schwarzer
A Comprehensive Uniform Limited Partnership Act? The Time Has Come Allan W. Vestal - Washington and Lee University School of Law
The Birds: Regulation of Isolated Wetlands and the Limits of the Commerce Clause John A. Leman - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Political Boycotts: Protected By the Political Action Exception to Antitrust Liability or Illegal Per Se? Jennifer L. Dauer - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)