Duty of Care Jurisprudence: Comparing Judicial Intuition and Social Psychology Research Samuel N. Fraidin - University of Southern California Law School
Citizens of an Enemy Land: Enemy Combatants, Aliens, and the Constitutional Rigts of the Pseudo-Citizen Juliet Stumpf - New York University School of Law
Making a List and Checking it Twice: Must Tax Attorneys Divulge Who's Naughty and Nice? Richard Lavoie - University of Texas - Austin School of Law
Enron.org: Why Sarbanes-Oxley Will Not Ensure Comprehensive Nonprofit Accountability Dana Brakman Reiser - Brooklyn Law School
An Invitation to the Rulemakers - Strike Rule 9(b) Christopher M. Fairman - Michael E. Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University
Deportation into Chaos: The Questionable Removal of Somali Refugees Eric Jeffrey Ong Hing - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Maintaining Standing in a Shareholder Derivative Action Sarah Wells - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Private Motive and Perpetual Conditions in Charitable Naming Gifts: When Good Names Go Bad John K. Eason - Tulane Law School
Et Tu, Fair Use? The Triumph of Natural-Law Copyright John Tehranian - University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law
Perpetuating the Exclusion of Asian Americans from the Affirmative Action Debate: An Oversight of the Diversity Rationale in Grutter v. Bollinger Victoria Choy - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Indirect Employer Liability: The Ninth Circuit Limits Liability for Racial Discrimination Monica Johnson - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Immigration and Constitutional Consequences of Post-9/11 Policies Involving Arabs and Muslims in the United States: Is Alienage a Distinction without a Difference? Susan M. Akram & Maritza Karmely
The Plenary Power Doctrine After September 11 Kif Augustine-Adams - J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University
United States Immigration Law as We Know It: El Clandestino, The American Gulag, Rounding Up the Usual Suspects James F. Smith - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
The Detention and Treatment of Aliens Three Years After September 11: A New New World? Charles D. Weisselberg - University of California School of Law (Boalt Hall)
Aliens Charged with Illegal Re-entry Are Denied Due Process and, Thereby, Equal Treatment Under the Law Larry Kupers
Detention to Deportation -- Rethinking the Removal of Cambodial Refugees Bill Ong Hing - UC Davis School of Law (Boalt Hall)
Interpreting the Hague Abduction Convention: In Search of a Global Jurisprudence Linda Silberman - New York University School of Law
A Portrait of the Trademark as a Black Man: Intellectual Property, Commodification, and Redescription David Dante Troutt - Rutgers School of Law - Newark
A Kinder, Gentler Law School? Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Legal Education at King Hall Celestial S.D. Cassman & Lisa R. Pruitt
Should Antitrust Education Be Mandatory (for Law School Administrators)? Royce de R. Barondes & Thomas A. Lambert
The Fundamental (Un)Fairness of Foreign Convictions as Predicate Felonies Christine A. Vogelei - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Representational Structures Through Which We the People Ratify Constitutions: The Troubling Original Understanding of the Constitution's Ratification Clauses Carlos E. González - Rutgers School of Law - Newark
Eminent Domain, Municipalization, and the Dormant Commerce Clause Shelley Ross Saxer - Pepperdine University School of Law
A Survey of Latino Lawyers in Los Angeles County -- Their Professional Lives and Opinions Cruz Reynoso - U.C. Davis School of Law
Official Indiscretions: Considering Sex Bargains with Government Informants Susan S. Kuo - Northern Illinois University College of Law
"Aliens" in Our Midst Post-9/11: Legislating Outsiderness within the Borders Reviewed by Raquel Aldana & Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dolphin-Safe or Fisherman-Friendly? Abuse of Discretion in Amendment of the Dolphin-Safe Tuna Labeling Standard Donald W. McChesney - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Eldred v. Ashcroft, Failure in Balancing Incentives and Access Qianwei Fu - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)