Representational Structures Through Which We the People Ratify Constitutions: The Troubling Original Understanding of the Constitution's Ratification Clauses Carlos E. González - Rutgers School of Law - Newark
Eminent Domain, Municipalization, and the Dormant Commerce Clause Shelley Ross Saxer - Pepperdine University School of Law
A Survey of Latino Lawyers in Los Angeles County -- Their Professional Lives and Opinions Cruz Reynoso - U.C. Davis School of Law
Official Indiscretions: Considering Sex Bargains with Government Informants Susan S. Kuo - Northern Illinois University College of Law
"Aliens" in Our Midst Post-9/11: Legislating Outsiderness within the Borders Reviewed by Raquel Aldana & Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dolphin-Safe or Fisherman-Friendly? Abuse of Discretion in Amendment of the Dolphin-Safe Tuna Labeling Standard Donald W. McChesney - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
Eldred v. Ashcroft, Failure in Balancing Incentives and Access Qianwei Fu - UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)