Rodrigo and Ressentiment. “I Don’t Want It if You Are Going to Get It, Too” — Why Classical Economic and Political Theory Fails to Explain the Obamacare Vote, but Legal Realism and CLS Can Richard Delgado - University of Alabama School of Law
Venture Bearding Benjamin P. Edwards & Ann C. McGinley - University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law
Congress and the Independence of Federal Law Enforcement Andrew Kent - Fordham University School of Law
Unfamiliar Justice: Indigent Criminal Defendants’ Experiences with Civil Legal Needs Lauren Sudeall & Ruth Richardson - Georgia State University
One Parent, Two Parents, Three Parents, More? California’s Third Parent Law Should Go Back to the Floor Catherine Reagan - UC Davis School of Law
Flexible yet Tailored: Developing a Standard for Patent Nonobviousness in Biological and Chemical Technologies Consistent with KSR Shaun D. Wong - UC Davis School of Law