Citizenship Matters: Conceptualizing Belonging in an Era of Fragile Inclusions Jennifer M. Chacón - UCLA School of Law
Inclusive Immigrant Justice: Racial Animus and the Origins of Crime-Based Deportation Alina Das - New York University School of Law
Deconstructing Crimmigration César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández - University of Denver, Sturm College of Law
Do Apprehensions of Undocumented Immigrants Reduce Crime and Create Jobs? Evidence from U.S. Districts, 2000-2015 Annie Laurie Hines & Giovanni Peri - UC Davis Department of Economics
Beyond DACA — Defying Employer Sanctions Through Civil Disobedience Bill Ong Hing - University of San Francisco & UC Davis School of Law
Lessons About the Future of Immigration Law from the Rise and Fall of DACA Kevin R. Johnson - UC Davis School of Law
What We Talk About When We Talk About Sanctuary Cities Michael Kagan - University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law
States of Desire: How Immigration Law Allows States to Attract Desired Immigrants Leticia M. Saucedo - UC Davis School of Law
The New Sanctuary and Anti-Sanctuary Movements Rose Cuison Villazor & Pratheepan Gulasekaram - Rutgers University School of Law & Santa Clara University School of Law
Elite Political Ignorance: Law, Data, and the Representation of (Mis)Perceived Electorates Christopher S. Elmendorf & Abby K. Wood - UC Davis School of Law & USC Gould School of Law
Sharks and Minnows in the War on Drugs: A Study of Quantity, Race and Drug Type in Drug Arrests Joseph E. Kennedy, Isaac Unah & Kasi Wahlers - University of North Carolina
Narrowing the Digital Divide: A Better Broadband Universal Service Program Daniel A. Lyons - Boston College Law School
Does the Evolving Concept of Due Process in Obergefell Justify Judicial Regulation of Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change?: Juliana v. United States Bradford C. Mank - University of Cincinnati College of Law
Big Data, Machine Judges, and the Legitimacy of the Criminal Justice System Ric Simmons - Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University
Federal Laboratories of Democracy Hannah J. Wiseman & Dave Owen - Florida State University College of Law & UC Hastings College of Law
What Causes Polarization on IP Policy? Maggie Wittlin, Lisa Larrimore Ouellette & Gregory N. Mandel - University of Nebraska College of Law, Stanford Law School & Temple Law School
International Indigenous Economic Law Sergio Puig - James E. Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona
The Curious Incident of the Falling Win Rate: Individual vs System-Level Justification and the Rule of Law Alexandra D. Lahav & Peter Siegelman - University of Connecticut School of Law
Betting on Climate Policy: Using Prediction Markets to Address Global Warming Gary M. Lucas, Jr. & Felix Mormann - Texas A&M University School of Law
Disclosure-Driven Crime J.S. Nelson - Villanova Law School; Villanova School of Business; University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business
Fix Me: Copyright, Antitrust, and the Restriction on Independent Repairs Daniel Cadia - UC Davis School of Law
Specters of California’s Homophobic Past: A Look at California’s Sex Offender Registration Requirements for Perpetrators of Statutory Rape Kendra Clark - UC Davis School of Law
Rodrigo and Ressentiment. “I Don’t Want It if You Are Going to Get It, Too” — Why Classical Economic and Political Theory Fails to Explain the Obamacare Vote, but Legal Realism and CLS Can Richard Delgado - University of Alabama School of Law
Venture Bearding Benjamin P. Edwards & Ann C. McGinley - University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law
Congress and the Independence of Federal Law Enforcement Andrew Kent - Fordham University School of Law
Unfamiliar Justice: Indigent Criminal Defendants’ Experiences with Civil Legal Needs Lauren Sudeall & Ruth Richardson - Georgia State University
One Parent, Two Parents, Three Parents, More? California’s Third Parent Law Should Go Back to the Floor Catherine Reagan - UC Davis School of Law
Flexible yet Tailored: Developing a Standard for Patent Nonobviousness in Biological and Chemical Technologies Consistent with KSR Shaun D. Wong - UC Davis School of Law
Foreword: Bakke at 40: The Past, Present, and Future of Affirmative Action Kevin R. Johnson - UC Davis School of Law
We Will Turn Back?: On Why Regents of the University of California v. Bakke Makes the Case for Adopting More Radically Race-Conscious Admissions Policies Mario L. Barnes - University of Washington School of Law
Affirmative Action and Social Discord: Why Is Race More Controversial than Sex? Katharine T. Bartlett - Duke University School of Law
Systematic Prevention of a Serial Problem: Sexual Harassment and Bridging Core Concepts of Bakke in the #MeToo Era Nancy Chi Cantalupo & William C. Kidder - Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law & both UC Santa Cruz and UCLA
Bakke’s Lasting Legacy: Redefining the Landscape of Equality and Liberty in Civil Rights Law Rachel F. Moran - UCLA School of Law
Bakke at 40: How Diversity Matters in the Employment Context Brent K. Nakamura & Lauren B. Edelman - Boies Schiller Flexner LLP & UC Berkeley School of Law
A Tribute to Rex Perschbacher: Leader, Scholar, Mentor, Friend Kevin R. Johnson - UC Davis School of Law
The Police Encounter with a Fleeing Motorist: Dilemma or Debacle? Sharon R. Fairley - University of Chicago Law School
Perschbacher Tribute Jon Sands - Chief Federal Public Defender for the District of Arizona & Arizona State University College of Law
The Prevalence of Consumer Arbitration Agreements by America’s Top Companies Imre Stephen Szalai - Loyola University New Orleans College of Law
Crossing the Thin Blue Line: Protecting Law Enforcement Officers Who Blow the Whistle Ann C. Hodges & Justin Pugh - University of Richmond & Circuit Court for the City of Portsmouth, Virginia
A Tribute to Dean Rex Perschbacher Emily E. Vasquez - Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
Breaking the Geographic Barrier: Removing Residency Requirements from California Public School Enrollment David M. Fox - UC Davis School of Law
Diminution Doctrine: Arbitration’s First Amendment Problem Matthew J. Stanford - California Constitution Center
Justice Kennedy, Teacher Kimberly J. Mueller - United States District Judge, Eastern District of California
The “Monkey Selfies”: Reflections on Copyright in Photographs of Animals Paul T. Babie - Adelaide Law School