Foreword: Bakke at 40: The Past, Present, and Future of Affirmative Action Kevin R. Johnson - UC Davis School of Law
We Will Turn Back?: On Why Regents of the University of California v. Bakke Makes the Case for Adopting More Radically Race-Conscious Admissions Policies Mario L. Barnes - University of Washington School of Law
Affirmative Action and Social Discord: Why Is Race More Controversial than Sex? Katharine T. Bartlett - Duke University School of Law
Systematic Prevention of a Serial Problem: Sexual Harassment and Bridging Core Concepts of Bakke in the #MeToo Era Nancy Chi Cantalupo & William C. Kidder - Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law & both UC Santa Cruz and UCLA
Bakke’s Lasting Legacy: Redefining the Landscape of Equality and Liberty in Civil Rights Law Rachel F. Moran - UCLA School of Law
Bakke at 40: How Diversity Matters in the Employment Context Brent K. Nakamura & Lauren B. Edelman - Boies Schiller Flexner LLP & UC Berkeley School of Law