
Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14, 2019

Marisa Abrajano

Professor, Political Science, UC San Diego


Vibiana Andrade

General Counsel, Los Angeles County Office of Education


Maria Blanco

Executive Director, UC Immigrant Legal Services Center


Beth Caldwell

Professor of Legal Analysis, Southwestern School of Law


Rose Cuison-Villazor

Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School


Lisa Garcia Bedolla

Vice-Provost, Graduate Studies, UC Berkeley


Oded Gurantz

Assistant Professor, Truman School of Public Affairs, University of Missouri


Robert Irwin

Professor of Spanish, UC Davis School of Law


Kevin Johnson

Dean and Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law


Rachel Moran

Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law


Giovanni Peri

Professor, Department of Economics, UC Davis


Huyen Pham

Professor of Law, Texas A&M


Robyn Rodriguez

Professor, Asian American Studies, UC Davis


Thomas Saenz

President and General Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund


Shayak Sarkar

Acting Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law


Leticia Saucedo

Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law


Rick Su

Professor of Law, University of North Carolina School of Law


Angie Wei

Chief Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Policy Development, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Office